Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hit 257 this week!!

Had been at 258 for nearly a month. Finally getting the stepping going again this past weekend. Was able to go on several walks with Rich and really got my steps up--2 days in a row with 9,000+ steps. It seems to be the ticket. Now, if I could get my hormones under control again, I know that my eating would slow back down. I am off the pill since I can't get in to see Dr. Curtis until the 23rd of this month. AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!! So, I need to get my steps way up...and there just doesn't seem to be time and really lacking the energy. :-(

Monday, June 7, 2010

263.2 on 6/7/2010

Keep it up girly! You are doing awesome!! Keep making good choice and don't punish yourself or quit for having an off day. I sure love you!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

261.8 on 1/18/2010

Being horribly sick does have a benefit! I lost nearly 6 pounds while being sick. wonder if I will be able to keep it off?

Monday, January 4, 2010

down to 267.6

Down again! and this was even over the holidays!! Wahoo. I really think there is a correlation to getting enough sleep and de-stressing and weight loss.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

1 Mile, 268.8 Pounds

Well, I did it. I wanted to and I didn't want to, but I finally got up and exercised again this morning. Way to go girl!! You are awesome!! Plus I drank a little bit of water and took my synthroid with water instead of Pepsi for the first time ever! And I am drinking a grape juice cocktail with my fiber one bar instead of the usual Pepsi. How is that?!??!?! Way to go again! You can make positive choices!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2-Jan 6, 2009

Exercised to Jane Fonda's tape this morning. Wasn't really feeling very into it. Partly because I didn't sleep well at all-Thanks Rich! I am glad to say I did it, but it was hard to be excited about it. I think that I am going to have to start recording some exercise programs and see if the excitement about doing different routines will be helpful.
I still haven't read any in the Book of Mormon. I don't know if I want to really do that or not right now. Maybe it is better to start one new habit at a time. Something to ponder for sure.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 1- Jan. 5. 2009

Today I have walked 1 mile in 15 minutes, thanks to Leslie Sansone. I ate a fiber bar for breakfast and then had a chicken breast and some rice and corn for lunch. I also drank a Crystal Light Strawberry energy drink.
I hope to make good choices each day. My goal is to exercise for at least 15 minutes a day, M-F. It is also to cut down on the amount of pop I am drinking and to cut down on the number of times I eat out for lunch.
I also want to be reading the Book of Mormon everyday and to have it finished by my birthday, July 9.
The purpose of this blog is for me to have place to start listing my accomplishments and having a way to brag about the choices I am making.
thanks for listening!